
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Quick and Random

So, since I'm getting into the swing of being a blogger, I want to try to blog somewhat consistently. Therefore, here's a quick and random blog with three things that you, and most other people, probably don't know about me. These things are not earth-shattering nor do they even play a very important role in my daily life, they're just things that I occasionally think of and forget to share with people.

1. I LOVE to donate blood...not the actual act of it because, for real, who really wants a needle in their arm...bleh! But, besides all that, I find donating blood to be extremely rewarding and such an easy thing to do in order to help people. You feel so good about yourself afterward and the arm-wrap bandage thing they give you is like a badge of honor for me. However, I'm unfortunately no longer allowed to donate blood to the Red Cross because, for an unknown reason, my past two donations have tested positive for Hepatitis B. Of course when I first got the letter I freaked...I mean that is not good. So, logically I went to the health clinic and paid an exorbitant amount of money for them to test my blood for any diseases, including Hep B, and the results? Nothing. I'm fine and healthy as can be. But then the second time it happened, it didn't matter if I went to get it checked out because the Red Cross has a rule that if you get two positives, or even false-positive results, you are no longer allowed to donate for the sanctity of the blood they distribute. It all makes sense to me but its still something that makes me sad because it was one of the things I was really looking forward to consistently doing once I turned 18...alas, not.

2. I want to live in the treehouse made by the Swiss Family Robinson in the 1960 movie. Yes, you did just read that correctly. But seriously, have you seen that movie and how awesome that treehouse is? Its totally ridiculous and completely awesome at the same time. I think I like it because there's an appeal to the mixture of both civilized life and total nature being mixed together....or maybe I just think its awesome to be able to pull up the ladder that reaches the house each night in an effort to keep the tigers away...

3. America's Test Kitchen on PBS is one of my favorite television shows. Don't understand? Just watch an episode and try one of their recipes and then you will understand. Just a note, the Cincinnati Chili Recipe is the bomb-diggity!

Alright, so that last one was kind of a cop-out because when I was thinking of what I was gonna write for this post earlier, I actually had a really good third random fact...but oh well, so much for that.

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