
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Wow...Senior Year Is Kinda Busy...

Hello, hello my lovely readers...I hope you're still with me after my long hiatus from blogging. As the title says, senior year has been crazy busy! In a good way of course, but unfortunately this little extracurricular activity has had to feel the effects of that. However, I'm trying to be a good blogger and get back to it, especially since I've realized how much I actually enjoy doing this!

Anyways, I won't attempt to catch you up on everything in my life since the last post, 1. because that would be a crazy long post and 2. it's way too late already for me to be taking that on tonight. I will however say that I've experienced a lot this semester and I definitely think I've grown and come to understand myself better. Life is constantly changing and I'm constantly asking questions, not because I'm getting more confused (thank goodness), but because all my new discoveries prompt new questions. Often we ask friends for advice hoping that their experience can guide us, and it can be helpful, but in reality, you just have to take every situation that happens and make the best decision you can for yourself in that moment. There are no clear cut answers, which is difficult, but also good because then I know that I'm not the only one whose constantly in a state of confusion.

Well, there's my bit of foreshadowing for tales to come in the next few posts. Some things for me, and you as an audience, to look forward to in my life are...
1. Thanksgiving in Texas!
2. Auditioning my piece that I choreographed this semester to be a part of the Spring Dance Concert next semester
3. Completing my second to last semester of college...ahhhh
4. Going to China for winter break YAY!
5. And my last semester of college...

It's crazy how fast life is happening, so we've gotta try and keep in mind the wise words of one Ferris Bueller - "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

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